Cambridge Science Festival 2022
Krity Gurung, Development & Communications Coordinator
On October 9, CitySprouts had the chance to press cider at the Cambridge Science Festival with the help of our friends at Takeda. We also had youth from our Young Leaders Program join us in prepping, mashing, and pressing cider. If you were there, thank you so much for coming! We hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did. Here’s a step-by-step run down of our fun-filled afternoon.
We started out with apples provided to us by a local farm
The apples were washed, prepped, and cut into eighths (thank you to our volunteers and youth for helping us with 6 bushels of apples!!)
The apples then got put into the masher
Which made apple mush!
The apple mush then got transferred into the cider press
Wooden blocks were stacked on top of the mush, for a tight press